Wednesday, 20 May 2009

when you are so stressed one day, just let it ride through as you'll never know if tomorrow will be a better day and in most cases tomorrow will always be much brighter than yesterday.. this goes to everyone i beleive including myself.. i was so stressed out yesterday but today the moment i arrived the office, i felt relieved even after looking at the pile of work that i have to do...

i quickly schemed though it all and completed them one by one before being free now and blogging... i kinda get addicted to blogging again.. but i don't what to blog the way i used to blog.. i used to report every single thing i do.. i beleive some things should be kept sacred so i will continue blogging the way i am blogging nowadays.. =)

It feels so right
To be here with you
And now looking in your eyes
I feel in my heart


1 comment:

- j o a n - said...


i've been here and have read it~~ :P